By Ps Barry Winton, Glory City Church
When we investigate and evaluate all things in time and space, history, and the present, we must start with the eternal existence, nature and being of God. All things were conceived and then created in and from the heart of God.
The heart and purpose of missions was in the heart of the Father in eternity. It stems from the heart of the Everlasting Father. Before time began, He conceived in His loving heart an enormous, extensive, and extravagant plan to create a family and include them into His Godhead community.
We need to ask ourselves, what was God thinking. What was His intention and purpose in this creation of all things, especially creating the human family? Why and for what purpose did He create this world and us in it?
When God the Father created the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve in it to be His co-reigning partners, He birthed and established it in His glory. It was this consistent, permanent atmosphere that all His creatures lived in. When the Father came in on the wind of the Spirit (Ruah, the cool of the day) to commune with His beloved children and friends, He did so in that glory and stepped into this newly created realm already permeated with that same glory – into that which was just like Him.
All creation was at home in that glory of the love and favour of their Father/Creator and rejoiced in His presence. The trees of the field clapped their hands, the mountains and the hills burst into singing, the seas roared, and joy broke out on all sides. This was the continuous, unchanging, unfading glorious presence of God. This was God’s new dwelling place, His new location. It was His home and all who lived in it felt at home with Him.
As we look out from the eternal viewpoint of our heavenly Father and investigate His eternal purpose, we see the powerful key truth of all the activity and operations in the Godhead.As we look deeper into the Godhead oneness and purposes, we see that the Father makes all decisions, plans and activity with His eternal Son in view – the Lamb of God.
Therefore, the Lamb becomes the measure, the plumbline, the rule, and governing factor for all the operations of the kingdom of God in heaven and here on earth. Jesus Christ is and always will be the full expression of God. The Lamb is the very manifestation of the heart and wisdom of God.
Jesus Christ demonstrated heaven’s way and lifestyle (Rom.5:8) – it is that of the sacrificial giving of oneself. A surrender that leads to glory and life. The way of the cross was and is the way to life. It is the remedy for sin that Adam and Eve brought upon all mankind in their disobedience in the Garden of Eden at the very beginning but also the sourceof all blessing and power for us personally who respond to God in Faith and gives us access into an intimate and personal relationship with the Father once again. It’s an invitation into the very heart of the Godhead community.
The Mission
The amazing thing is that all the glory and purposes of the Father are now to be revealed to the world through us – the church. (Eph.3:10-11). We, in Christ are the divine agent of God to express Himself and display Himself to all governments, authorities, powers and people groups on the planet. To reveal the author of all things, namely Jesus Christ as the installed King of the universe. (See Psalm 2:1-9).
We have an amazing and powerfully important key role to play in the establishing of the Father’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Can we grasp it? Can we believe it? We must. This is God the Fathers business, and we are key to seeing it succeed. As Isaiah said, “Here am I, send me.” Amen.